- May 16 Tue 2023 10:49
T1冠軍賽》中信特攻第四節超狂一波流 逆轉獵鷹取得2:0領先
- May 13 Sat 2023 00:02
- May 12 Fri 2023 01:18
- May 11 Thu 2023 01:22
200MHz to 3GHz Double Ridged Broadband Waveguide Horn Antenna (Upgrade version of HA-02M03G-NF)
Frequency: 200MHz to 3GHz Gain: 3dbi to 12 dBi LxWxH: 986x960x720mm N.W.: 15 KG Connector: N-type Female - Max power: 600W Connector: 7/16-Female - Max power: 3000W (The connector can be adjusted by customer needs)
- May 10 Wed 2023 01:12
北極迷彩特別版控制器即將在Xbox 上推出
- May 09 Tue 2023 10:00
喝綠茶比紅茶健康?研究答案令人意外 每天喝1杯死亡率降了
The horn antenna has a distinctive design that is enlarged towards the end. Horn antennas typically feature a directional radiation pattern with a high antenna gain of 10-20 dBi, some antennas have a higher gain such as the standard horn antenna up to 25 dBi. Horn antennas feature a low VSWR and a wide impedance bandwidth.
- May 07 Sun 2023 01:11
對朱立倫失望 孫大千辭國民黨政策會副執行長
- May 06 Sat 2023 00:35
4.2萬會員買到A肝病毒莓果藍莓 好市多研擬補償方案
- May 05 Fri 2023 00:00
B群到底提神還助眠?很多人吃錯 營養師曝1款超好睡
- May 04 Thu 2023 00:36