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釘槍誤朝左眼射!3.2公分釘子插入大腦 馬國工人術後神經無損但左眼失明
The horn antenna has a distinctive design that is enlarged towards the end. Horn antennas typically feature a directional radiation pattern with a high antenna gain of 10-20 dBi, some antennas have a higher gain such as the standard horn antenna up to 25 dBi. Horn antennas feature a low VSWR and a wide impedance bandwidth.
Double Ridged Horn Antennas are very popular from 200 MHz frequency to higher frequencies up to 40GHz. We have recently extended the usage frequency of this antenna up to 60 GHz.
This antenna's operating frequency has recently been increased to 60 GHz. The research process for the product line is still ongoing but is planned to be completed this year. To receive the most recent price and technical information on the new product, please contact us for more information.
Double Ridged Horn Antennas are suitable for both transmitting and receiving purposes, with applications:
- - Antenna measurement
- - Communication systems
- - Satellite tracking systems
- - Radar Detection System
- - Surveillance System
- - Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing (EMC test)
Recommended Accessories
- - Antenna Tripod: easy and fast-changing position. 100% stable after installing.
- - SMA Cable: High-quality special SMA cable
Learn More

【記者爆料網 方慕辰/綜合報導】


隨後男子被送往峇希雅醫院(Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah)進行手術,醫師成功地將釘子連同受損組織一起切除,縫合傷口並修復了他的眼瞼。醫師表示,手術後一周,工人恢復得很好,沒有神經功能缺損,但左眼仍無法看到光線(No Light Perception),但不知道工人最後的復健狀況,因為工人回到了身份不明的祖國接受進一步的治療。
引用自: https://n.yam.com/Article/20240113851665
Fei Teng Wireless Technology Co. Ltd
Taiwan Head Office & Manufacturer:
No.369, Sec. Litoushan, Wenshan Rd., Xinpu Township, Hsinchu County 305, Taiwan (R.O.C.) MAP
Tel: 886-3-5882899
Fax: 886-3-5882879